Today (Sunday) 15th December 2024, Margashirsha Purnima (Full Moon) from 14th December 4.59 pm and up to…..
Many of us do not know when Thithi starts and when it is ends.
for example today is Margashirsha Purnima (Full Moon). However, it is not whole day.
December 15th Sunday, the whole day is not considered as “Full Moon” Day.
Many of us wanted to do Pooja and do some Vrath on this Full Moon Day.
It is very important to know, when Full Moon (Purnima) Starts and what time it is ends.
In Hindu Panchanga or in the Hindu Calender, it will be clearly mentioned that when Full Moon (Purnima) starts and when it will End.
So, According to Hindu Panchang Calender, Margashirsha Purnima (Full Moon) will start from December 14th Saturday 4.59 pm to 15th Sunday 2.31 pm (after noon).
This information will be very useful for the people who wanted to do Pooja on Margashirsha Purnima (Full Moon).